Saturday, September 30, 2006

We went to “Giant Panda Breading research center” (大熊猫繁殖中心 daxiongmao fanzhi zhongxin). We saw very sweet pandas!! The Chinese name for panda name is “bear cat”. I understand that.
Ahhhh!! Today we saw a drowned body. There was a huge crowdy Chinese people pushing to look at something, so we decided to why. A Chinese frined said a student from Sichuan university fell or jumped into the river while drunk, and went missing.



Friday, September 29, 2006

We arrived in Chengdu in the very early morning. It was very very terrible. So many people smoked in our no smoking train car. I asked many times “Please, don’t smoke here.” in Chinese!! (请不要吸烟 xing bu yao xi yan) I was tired of asking. Anyway, we arrived safely and smokey in Chengdu.
We met some Japanese people at the hostel. A woman who is studying in Dalian. We went with her to eat spicy Chengdu hot pot. It was very very spicy, but delicious. ;-)

中国語で!(请不要吸烟 xing bu yao xi yan)


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

We are going to go to Chengdu(成都) this evening. It will take about 38 hours by train. It’s the first time for me to take such a loooooooong train ride. I have no idea how I will spend the time on the train. Nintendo DS? Read book? Eat? BUT, the Nintendo DS batteries will die, I have already read my book, and if I eat a lot, then I will have to use the disgusting train toilets…. What can I do for 38 hours on the train?

Nintendo DS?読書?何か食べる?

Monday, September 25, 2006

We went to Singing Sands Gorge (响沙湾). We went camelback riding, parasailing, and slid down the sands of the gorge. It was very fun!


Sunday, September 24, 2006

It was rainy and very cold today. We went to visit Mausoleum of Genghis Khan. It took 4 hours by bus, then we caught a taxi with a Chinese guy also heading to the museum.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

We traveled to Baotou (包头) by train. We couldn’t get any seat tickets, so we had to stand all the way. Luckily it was only 3 hours. BUT, it was crazy again!! The train is a no smoking train, but the Chinese don’t care. Many people smoked. I got a stomachache. I’d get sick if I was on the train much longer. The buses in China are worse. So many people smoke on the bus. It seems some people on the bus always have a lit cigarette. Also, so many Chinese people spit anywhere. Not only men, but also women make their horrible choking sound, then spit. On the street, on the bus or train, in the train station, in hotel rooms and in the hotel lobby, on the UNESCO world heritage sites … anywhere! They even spit out half finished food onto the restaurant table or floor. I can’t believe it! L
We found a hotel for 20 yuan (less than C$3) per person. :-D

結局私は、Nintendo DSして気を紛らわせ、読書して気を紛らわせ・・・やっとパオトウに到着。そしてその夜は一泊20元(300円)のホテルに泊まった。

Friday, September 22, 2006

We went on a Grasslands tour! When we were on our way to the grasslands, there was a stretch of straight road, so we were driving fairly fast. We ran over something on the road and BAM! Our tire on our car popped!! Our minivan swerved all over the road. While we were swerving, I was trying to figure out what I could hold onto. It was good that no cars were coming the opposite way at the time. Amazingly, our driver was able to keep the van on the road. We all got out of the van while they changed the tire. Maybe I wasn’t the most scared though. Again, we were sitting in what we figure are the safer seats in the middle of the van. One Australian guy who had been sitting near the front in the middle kept saying how scared he was. He said the whole time he was imagining himself going through the windshield in front of him.
The condition of the grass was pretty bad, but we enjoyed the trip. We went horseback riding. It was the first time for me! Nobody spoke English, so they couldn’t give me instructions. They just motioned how to turn right, turn left and stop. They said stuff in Chinese, but I don’t know what exactly. We started out… and suddenly the horses began to run!! I almost cried. Whaaaaaa, nooooooooo!!! There was another Australian girl in our group and she helped me a bit. My horse was clever. He could understand guide’s voice. Also, my horse and the Australian girl’s horse seemed to be friends or siblings, so they stayed close together. Little by little, I got used riding. I could run fast! I was really enjoying it. I think I’d like to try horseback riding again! :-D After riding the horses for about 2 hours, we walked around few hours. Then we returned and saw Mongolian wrestling and horse racing. We started supper around 7pm then watched traditional Mongolian dance. Afterwards, we were also able to dance a bit. We slept in a yurt (a traditional Mongolian home). It was very cold that night, but with the blankets we were warm enough.

私はラッキーな馬に当たったんだわ! ^0^!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

We are in Inner Mongolia in Hohhot now. (Hohhot in Chinese is 呼和浩特, ‘HuHeHaoTe’). It is interesting to see all the signs with both Mongolian script and Chinese characters on them. We visited to Inner Mongolia museum (内蒙古博物馆), the Xilituzhao temple (席力图召寺) and Great Mosque (清真大寺).
Before we went to the Inner Mongolian museum, we were hungry. We were looking for a restaurant, couldn’t find any. While we were walking on the street, I saw a bunch of parked bicycles and motorbikes. Yay, there’re some restaurant or groceries, I thought. But then I realized… it was just a bunch of bike shops! … :-P


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hey everyone! I'm in Daton now. I'm going to go to Hohhot(inner Mongolia) tonight. I updated my blog, but couldn't put photos on. I'll try as soon as possible. I'll update just a few photos now.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

We went to The Hanging Monastery today. It took 1 hour and half by taxi from Daton.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I went to Yungang Grottoes today.

Friday, September 15, 2006

We visited Putuozongcheng temple (普陀宗乘之庙), which is a UNESCO world heritage site. It is the oldest of the Chengdu temples. It is a one-third scale model of the Dalai Lama’s Potala palace in Lhasa. The temple used to serve as an offering to those of lama faith and housed visiting Tibetan dignitaries. Inside, there’s a special shrine and seat for the planned coming of the Eighth Dalai Lama, who was not able to visit.
After that, we visited Puning temple (普宁寺), also a UNESCO world heritage site. The name means “Temple of Universal Peace.” In the temple is the 42-armed, 110-ton Guanyin (Goddess of Mercy). At 22m tall, it is the largest wooden Buddhist statue in the world.
It seems like everywhere one goes there is a biggest something Buddha. For example…the biggest reclining Buddha, the biggest sitting Buddha, the biggest bronze Buddha… Another traveler told me the biggest wooden Buddha is 27m tall and is in Beijing. Hah? Which is the biggest wood Buddha?


Thursday, September 14, 2006

We left Beijing for Chengde (承德) by bus. It took 5 and half hours. It was a very dangerous road, so we sat in the middle of the bus. (We figured they were the safest seats.) There are many car accidents on that highway. My guidebook recommended taking the train rather than bus. I can understand why there were so many accidents. Although there were two lanes painted on the road, there were 3 lanes of traffic! The center of the road was for passing, even if there was a car coming in the opposite direction. Sometimes the road was narrow and the outside lanes had to drive on the shoulder.


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

We went to see the Great Wall. It takes 4 hours to go there by bus. We walked for 5 hours from Jinshanling to Simatai. It was very amazing! One bad thing is that so many locals follow us, trying to be our “guide”.

万里の長城に行ってきました~~!! 4時間バスに揺られて。そして5時間万里の長城(金山岭から司馬台長城)を歩きました。地元の人がガイドをするためにずっと私達についてきていたのが、気になったけど、ずっと断り続けて歩きました。

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

We went to Tiananmen Square. It’s very famous square, eh?


Monday, September 11, 2006

We went to the Forbidden City. It was a very huge area. We were already very tired. It took a whole day to see.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

We got up at 5 am. We went to see the sunrise. We were very lucky, because there is only a 50% to see it. It was amazing. Very very beautiful. I have never seen a sunrise like that.
We left Taishan 10:35 pm to Beijing. We couldn’t get a bed tickets. Our seats were just cheapest hard seats. It was very crazy. We arrived at the station early, and were near the front of the “line”. We walked quickly to the train, but it was difficult to tell where our car would stop. When we figured it out we were at the back the large crowed. Unlike Japan the train in China isn’t very accurate. Lucky for us, our car stopped a little far from the crowd and in the rush we ended up close to the front. We were able to place our luggage on the rack. Many people had no seats so were standing up. It was a bit nervous. It was my first time to take a”hard seat” train in China. It was hot, stinky and uncomfortable. Everyone was packed into the train. The lady sitting across from me stretched out and put her feet up on my seat between the person sitting next to me and myself! All of a sudden BAM! A huge bag fell on me!
After a couple hours a man came out from under the seat in front of mine. Surprised as the girl whose legs he moved in order to crawl out. He was sleeping under the seats! Many people laughed that there was someone hiding under the seat of the crowded train.
When we got off the train, an old man was lying on the ground. I thought, he fell down or was just drunk. I tried check his pulse, but the station security said “Don’t touch him!” We were going to give up. But I looked at his chest. His chest wasn’t moving. He wasn’t breathing. I threw my backpack down. I checked his pulse of neck. He was in cardiac arrest. Immediately I started CPR. I did heart massage for over a minute, but he didn’t start breathing and his heart didn’t start beating. I continued it. Finally, he started breathing and his heart started beating. The ambulance still didn’t come. I kept yelling at the station security. “Why it doesn’t come?” The answer was just “Will it come in 3 minutes”. More than 3 minutes already past though! He was still unconscious and his the pupils didn’t move. Twice a doctor passed by and stopped to help me, but they didn’t do anything. Just checked the pupils, a reflex then, then left. An ambulance came over 15 minutes, after I start CPR. They weren’t hurry. They were just come walking. It seems the nurse and doctor just woke up. Sleepy-eyed, sleepy-face, hair was tousled with sleep. The paramedic was sooooooooo slow. I did help them a lot!!
All the conversation was Chinese. I don’t speak Chinese. Luckily, my friend can speak a bit of Chinese. Also, someone who can speak English came to help. But, his English wasn’t so good. When I asked him to talk to the patient, he just talks to us!
I couldn’t believe Chinese emergency. I hope he will be better, but he will most likely be a vegetable… I never dreamed I would perform CPR in China!

早朝5時に起きて、御来光見に行きましたよ!! 前夜からすごく天気が悪く小雨も降ってたし、風もすごく強かったから御来光見れるかすごく心配だったけど・・・朝はメッチャ天気でした!!ご来光を見れる確率は50%ということ。すごくラッキー!! (私雨女なのに・・・)すごくきれいな御来光が見れましたよ!泰山で御来光に願い事をすればそれがかなうと言われていて、この際たくさん願い事をしてきました!^0^!
夜行列車で22:35北京に向けて出発!ベッド席が満席でチケットがなく、一番安い硬座と言われる、いわゆる昔のローカル列車のような向き合った席になりました。これがまた超超超ウルトラ・スーパー最悪!!皆、荷物を網棚に乗せる為早くから並んで待つわけですよ。でも、外国人の私達にはどこで待っていいかよく分からず、間違った所に行ってしまい・・・。自分達の車両に並んだ時にはもう既に長い行列。でも中国では順番に並ぶという習慣はあってないようなもの。途中から割り込んでくるのは当たり前。でもそんなのに慣れてない私達は結局ちゃ~んと列に並んだ訳で・・・。でも、列車が止まったのが待っていた場所より少しずれて・・・私達はここぞとばかりに割り込みました!!まるで中国人のように!^0^!おかげで大きなバックパックは網棚に乗せることができました。でも、通路には席がなくて立ってる人が大勢いるんですよ!北京まで7時間以上もある夜行列車なのに。立ったまま寝るの? なんだか列車に詰め込まれてるって感じ。
北京駅に朝6時前に着きました。そしたらおじいさんが倒れてるじゃありませんか。看護師としてはそう人を見ると見捨てられないわけで・・・。脈を診ようとしたら、駅員から「触らない!」と言われてしまい。ただの酔っ払いかな~と思いその場を離れようとして、もう一度その人の胸を見ると・・・動いてない!!慌てて呼吸と頚動脈、橈骨動脈確認すると・・・呼吸停止に心停止!!自分のバックパック投げ捨てすぐにCPR始めましたよ!気道確保して心臓マッサージ。あんな時ってもうパニックですよ!心臓マッサージなんてもう2年以上もやってないわけで。CCUで働いていたときは嫌って言うほどやったのに。絶対に1分以上はやったと思うけど、呼吸もしないし心臓も動かない。おまけに救急車も来ない!!一体中国の救急医療はどうなってるの? 駅員に何度も何度も救急車は何で来ないの?って聞くけど、3分以内には来るからって答えるだけ。もう既に3分以上過ぎてるんですけど!!「ドクターいませんか~~!!??」って叫びながら心臓マッサージし続けました。やっと呼吸し始め、心臓も動き出した。偶然ペンライトを持ってて瞳孔反射診るけど、反射なし。レベルも0。偶然英語を話せる男の人が来て、患者に呼びかけるように言うんだけど、彼は患者に呼びかけず私達に呼びかけるはで・・・役に立たず。救急車を待ってる間、自称ドクターという人が2人来たけど、レベル見て瞳孔反射診るだけ。あああぁぁぁ~~~もう、なんて使えないドクターなんだ!! やっと救急車が来たと思ったら・・・全く急いでいない。だって歩いて来るんですよ!もう信じられない!おまけにドクターもナースも髪に寝癖が付いてて、寝ぼけ顔で、今起きたばかりと言わんばかりの状態。呆れて言葉が出なかったですよ。来て何をするかと言うと、一向に急ぐことなくゆっくりと心電図を取り、血圧を測り、血管確保。それも暗い中の作業なのにランプも持ってないし。私のペンライト貸してあげましたよ!そしてゆっくりストレッチャーに移動。一応CPRをした旨と、確実に1分以上の呼吸停止と心停止があったことを伝えたけど、彼らは分かってくれたのか・・・。患者が運ばれて行った後、一応駅員からお礼の言葉をもらった。もっと早くに彼の異常に気付いてあげてれば・・・って思ったけど、あれが精一杯の事だったと思う。最初に駅員から触るなと言われるし、救急車は来ないし・・・。彼の回復を祈るばかりです。でもきっと良くても麻痺が残って社会復帰できるか、若しくは植物状態かと思う。家族が最後の時期に間に合えばいいけれど・・・。なんかホッとしたら急に怖くなった。まさか自分が外国で、それも中国の首都の北京駅でCPRをするなんて・・・。これは全部中国語でのやり取りだったけど、私の友達が少し中国語を話せたのが本当にラッキーだった。

Friday, September 08, 2006

We climbed Mt, Tai (泰山) by foot. Mt, Tai is most sacred Daoist mountain in China. Many famous people climbed this mountain, including many emperors, Chairman Mao, and even Confucius. It took about 5 hours to climb. There were many steps. It was very hard to climb. There was a cable car, but we didn’t take it.
We stayed at the top of the mountain. The price was 40 yuan(C$6) per person, but we bargained down to 20 yuan(C$3). We went to bed very early so we would be able to wake up to see sunrise the next morning.


Monday, September 04, 2006

We went to “under water world (an aquarium)”. It was very cold today. We couldn’t swim again….
I will go to “Tai shan” tomorrow night by night train. It’ll takes over 7 hours.

今日は「アンダーウォーターワールド」という水族館に早起きして行きました!本当は昨日行けなかった海水浴に行こうと思ったけど、小雨が降ってて、おまけに寒い!! ウインドブレーカーを着てました。日本のあの蒸し暑さがうそのよう・・・まるで冬のような一日でしたよ。

Sunday, September 03, 2006

I got up very late. We went to Qingdao beer museum. My friend got drunk again! Actually I don’t like beer. I can’t drink beer… So he drank mine too. He bought 20 bags beer peanuts. He’s toooo crazy!! I wish I could drink beer… it would be fun. :-P
After that, we went to a beach to swim. But, it was too dark to swim. We couldn’t swim. Then we went to dinner. We ate noodle and drank bubble tea. Our whole dinner was 18 yuan which is about C$2.5!! Can you believe it? Very cheap, eh!
