Sorry Auroville, gonna hit the beach ゴメンよオーロビル、ビーチへ予定変更!
We were going to go to Aurobille by bike, but we could't find it. So instead, we went to the beach. :-) There were big waves. Sooooo fun!! :-D
While involved with the Indian independence movement, Sri Aurobindo was persecuted by the English. He took refuge in Pondicherry, a French – controlled province. No longer working for Indian independence, he started an Ashram. An ashram is sort of like a temple or church that is started by a guru who teaches according to his beliefs. Followers of the guru come to live there and be taught by the guru. After Sri Aurobindo died, a French woman named Mirra Alfassa succeeded him. (Believers refer to her as the “Mother”.) She died in 1973. Auroville was started by her. Auroville is a community just outside of Pondicherry. “An experiment in international living where people can live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, politics, and nationalities. “It was opened in 1968 and now there are about 1700 residents. (Two-thirds of whom are foreigners, representing around 35 different nationalities.)
While involved with the Indian independence movement, Sri Aurobindo was persecuted by the English. He took refuge in Pondicherry, a French – controlled province. No longer working for Indian independence, he started an Ashram. An ashram is sort of like a temple or church that is started by a guru who teaches according to his beliefs. Followers of the guru come to live there and be taught by the guru. After Sri Aurobindo died, a French woman named Mirra Alfassa succeeded him. (Believers refer to her as the “Mother”.) She died in 1973. Auroville was started by her. Auroville is a community just outside of Pondicherry. “An experiment in international living where people can live in peace and progressive harmony above all creeds, politics, and nationalities. “It was opened in 1968 and now there are about 1700 residents. (Two-thirds of whom are foreigners, representing around 35 different nationalities.)
インドの独立運動にも関わったヒンドゥー哲学者オーロビンドが始めた新宗教のアシュラムがあった所で、彼の死後、後継者であるフランス人女性Mirra Alfassa(通称マザー、1973年死去)の提唱により造られた理想都市。現在1700人(3分の2以上は外国から移住してきた人。35以上もの異なった国籍の人達。)が生活し、性や人種、国家の絆を超えた人類全体の精神世界の向上を目指している。
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