Saturday, September 02, 2006

I arrived at Qingdao around 2:30pm, an hour and half before scheduled. Unfortunately, we couldn’t get off the ferry because it was not supposed to arrive until 4 pm. I really worried about going through immigration. (I hate to go through immigration.) I worried so much I was shocked when the immigration officer didn’t ask anything!
My friend was supposed to pick me up. After I passed through immigration, I looked for him… but he wasn’t there! I waited about 1 hour by myself. Getting lonely. I forgot to take his cell number and his hostel address. I started to wonder what I should do if he didn’t show up. Find internet café? But I didn’t have any Chinese Yuan. I didn’t know what to do.
I was sitting sadly in the station when I thought I caught a glimpse of him out the window. Was I dreaming? He did not come to the ferry terminal, but just passed by. I must have been dreaming. Still, I went out of the building to look for him… and I found him! He was walking to the ferry terminal, but he missed it and just kept walking. He was hung over! No… he was still DRUNK! He drank a lot the previous night. He woke up at 3:55 pm. Huh? His hostel was 20 minutes away and I was supposed to arrive at 4pm! It’s okay though. I was able to meet him!!After checking into the hostel, we went and ate a seafood dinner. It was good. And I didn’t get a stomachache! Then we walked along the ocean and saw the May Fourth Square (五四广场). Finally we went to club to dance with other friends. The dance floor was bouncing!! Sooooo fun!! We went back to the hostel around 4am…What a crazy first day in China!!

フェリーの所に友達が迎えに来てるはずだけど・・・おいおい!来てないじゃないか~~!! 一人孤独に異国の地で約1時間待ちましたよ!!だんだん心細くなってくるのね~ こういう時って・・・。いろいろ考えるわけですよ!どうするべきなのかを。インターネットカフェを探すべきか、・・・でも中国のお金はまったく持ってないし・・・。ドジなことに友達の携帯電話番号とホテルの住所を控えてくるのを忘れてしまったのであります・・・。とりあえず外に出てみて近くを歩いてみることに・・・。そしたら、向こうの方からその友達が歩いてくるじゃないですか!! あ~~~よかった会えて!結局話を聞くと、昨夜飲みすぎて起きたのが3時55分! 約束は4時だったよね!? 二日酔いの状態でフラフラでやって来たのでした。
青島はシーフードがおいしいと有名なので寄るご飯に食べに行きました。食中り起こすのが怖かったけど・・・大丈夫でしたよ! おいしかった!!
それから別の友達と合流してクラブに踊りに行ったよ!! 踊るフロアーにバネが付いててビョンビョン跳ねて超楽しかったぁ~~!!!結局ホテルに帰ったのは朝の4時・・・中国初日からなんてすごい1日でしょう・・・


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